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Wisconsin's Right to Read: The Case for ACT 20

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Far too many of Wisconsin's children do not achieve reading proficiency. WI Reads is thrilled to have Dr. Jacklyn Wiessenuburger present Wisconsin's Right to Read: The Case for ACT 20. Dr. Wiessenburger served as an advisor to members of the Wisconsin Legislature during the development of ACT 20 on behalf of WI Reads. Join this online program to learn about the rationale for ACT 20, Wisconsin's Right to Read legislation of 2023. Attendees will develop an understanding of Wisconsin's history of reading achievement, along with the rationale to change reading instruction and assessment in Wisconsin. In addition, Dr. Wiessenburger will share the successful efforts of other states, regions, and school districts and next steps to ensure that all Wisconsin children will be able to achieve reading proficiency. The presentation has been reviewed by Legislative Counsel and will include an opportunity to ask questions related to the implementation of Act 20. About the Presenter: Jacalyn Weissenburger, Ph.D., serves as the Vice President and Higher Education Committee Chair of WI Reads and served as an advisor to members of the Wisconsin Legislature on the development of ACT 20 on behalf of WI Reads. She is a retired educator with nineteen years of experience in PK-12 education and twenty years of experience in higher education. She initially taught high school in Moline, Illinois and then served urban, suburban and rural schools as a school psychologist in the states of Iowa and Wisconsin. She also worked as a school counselor in Iowa. In 1996, Jackie began teaching classes at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. She later took on various administrative roles at UW-Stout and UW-Superior, including serving as the Director of the School of Education at UW-Stout. She retired in 2019 after serving as the interim Provost/Vice Chancellor at UW-Superior in Superior, Wisconsin.

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